Kamis, 15 April 2010

The Ancient City of Teotihuacan Disappear


an ancient city once stood, and live to accompany the other civilizations of ancient civilizations in the world, and thousands of puzzles unsolved mystery to this ancient civilization, especially the events that had happened to the ancient civilizations in the ancient world, whether this ancient civilization as well as the civilization of the period have impact
Past civilizations in the Quran is so inappropriate that has been defiant in align with the ground by the Almighty. What is the background and deviant behavior by how our ancestors time, that they disappeared without a trace, leaving only the majestic silence bangunan2 ... We'd better follow the story ...

Tiahuanaco, one of the ancient city filled with a difficult puzzle to solve. On the ruins of a very old man (we do not know how many thousands of years old), fog mengapunglah the past, ignorance of the mystery or the supernatural. Sand stone blocks weighing 100 tons which ditumpungi with other blocks weighing 60 tons used as a wall.
Other fields are trimmed and angled right at junction with other square stones, held together by clamps are made of copper.
In addition, all the stone structure had been done very neatly. Holes as deep as 8 feet which until now has not been clarified to what is contained in the stone blocks weighing 10 tons.
Worn flagstones, whose length is 16 ½ feet and is one piece of stone without the connection does not help solve the puzzle at Tiahuanaco is located.
Water channel made of stone 6 feet long and 1 ½ feet wide, there were scattered on the floor like toys.

Scattered objects that must be caused by a terrible natural disaster. This discovery was surprising because we are so meticulous handiwork. Did our ancestors in Tiahuanaco could not do anything better than to spend many years in the making of such channels cermatnya without such equipment, so if it is compared to our modern plumbing and concrete made from it as if it is just the job merely careless?
In the courtyard of the temple has now been restored, there is a hodgepodge collection of the statue's head, which, when observed up close is a collection of various races, because there are some thin-lipped face, there is a thick-lipped. Some have long noses, there is a curved-nosed,
There are some good thin berkuping, there are berkuping thick, some gentle-faced, there is a face-angle-angle. And some of the heads helmeted strange.
Are the forms of the unknown face is intended to try to convey a message to us that we can not and will not understand because our attitude is prevented by the stubborn and prejudiced?

In the ancient culture of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, we know the main reason large pyramids built, largely as a tomb for the royal family, unisex as an altar to hold the ceremony and prayer. But Pyramid at Teotihuacan is a mystery. The main purpose of building pyramids here have been lost in time, because the pyramid builders could hardly leave any information for us. We do not know, they refer to themselves as a nation what? Tell the languages is that they are or where the rulers were buried? They do not leave books, writing systems, written history of the past. For nearly a century, archaeological experts have put together many clues. More than 900 thousand pieces of pottery have been analyzed, numbered, and packaged. The meaning of some artifacts are still much debated, but recent excavations reveal a story of life and death of the city pyramid

Around 1500 BC, Nation ruled Mexico. This nation is indeed known to cruel, soldiers hunt down humans to be skinned and sacrificed to their gods. One interesting thing from the history of this nation is the existence of a legend about a lost city. Mysterious ancient city filled with fantastic with amazing architectures called Teotihuacan. The mysterious city's destroyed so much so that when the Aztecs found it, they believe it must be the most sacred places in the whole universe. Aztecs named it Teotihuacan which means place of the gods. This ancient city is so striking, long network of roads and large pyramids stand in the city. The city has a total area of 12.8 square km, an area larger than the Roman Empire. Aztecs called the main road as a path of death and they named the 2nd largest pyramid as the Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon. From the rise around the year 1 AD until its downfall 7th centuries later, Teotihuacan was the largest city west dibelahan earth. Aztecs did not even know who built this great city and why they left. And to this day remains a puzzling enigma. Something terrible thing must never happen here, until its entire population disappeared, which changed the big city into a ghost town this uninhabited.

Although it is a big city, but actually Teotihuacan is a place that is isolated in the northern region known as Mesoamerica. At the beginning of the first millennium AD, the place is barren and arid regions, more cactus than humans. Then, suddenly, almost overnight, the human population meladak until pulahan thousand in the city. How could this dusty backwoods suddenly turned into the largest city as America?

One theory is that the people fled from the fire of the gods, the terrible volcanic eruption. Mount suddenly erupted and the lava flooded the slope. The whole town was buried and the rivers come together. Destroyed agricultural land and suffered total destruction. When searching for a safe place, people who survived berhamubran toward the place to be known as Teotihuacan. Yet, it is a mystery within a mystery. Why is everyone running into this barren place? Though there are other sites more distant from the volcano, with a more fertile soil and more rain.

The refugees would be attracted to this location because there was something. Or maybe there was an authoritative leader who set the refugee population has become the new notes, new harmony with the universe and the cosmos. People whose relationship is very strong on the sacred power of the gods favored. Authoritative leader was then planning to make big sacrifices to the gods of the volcano. Where the elements of the offering consists of elements of buildings that killed their families and destroying their city first. They would build a man-made volcano that is the pyramids. Then a new city and way of life had been born. Pyramids is delivering a new era, a time of order and hope for the future. Giant pyramids that are still remaining to this day merely a silent witness of the triumph in Teotihuacan.

Scientists used to believe when the collapse from within, the city was also attacked and destroyed by other nations. But there is little evidence that power the region's large enough to invade and conquer the city of Teotihuacan as weak. Teotihuacan would destroy himself, born of the fear of the volcano, this town will die in a fire. Nearly 15 centuries later, the evidence is still visible on the walls of pyramids and temples are the signs of arson. The fire was so hot to sear the stone. May occur spontaneously in one night, when the sacred ritual sacrifice of rain or begging for food. According to one theory, the citizens rose in rebellion and burned the symbol of their past glory. And they believe, they are sourced from all over the suffering of the pyramids are located in their city. Interesting clues to support this theory, ie cryptic evidence of damage caused by fire in 2000 the apartment complex at Teotihuacan.

But another theory is far more bizarre and even more frightening. The archaeological evidence found in the rubble piles of charred wood temples. The remains of a large bonfire and is not caused by a disorder, but something planned. Perpetrators may be the priests who serve the gods and the pyramids. They consider the triumph of Teotihuacan had passed, so the residence kekuasaansuci, the holy land from the road of death must be eradicated. They set fire to the temple which was at the top of the pyramid, and destroy their gods sculptures. Holy priests destroy the bond between the city and the cosmos forever. Bath volcano smoldering, burned the temple atop the pyramid. Last message for the gods, Teotihuacan was dead. As time goes by, the residents and quickly leave the big city that has been 'dying' is.

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