Kamis, 15 April 2010


The muddled story White Alone 2012 cerite Berhad has made a doomsday picture of 2012 .. Right to? Or do white people created the story sonny saje je .. je la .. faham2 dah nie White people too highly to examine the kinds of stories can make nie .. Oklah .. But who says ade ade jugak meteor falls on 2012Itu certainly did not tremble .. Only God knows ..
President Intitut Space Studies Malaysia, IKAM - Norul Ridzuan. This jawapannya.
But not sure ...
Therefore, it applies the changes so that the orbit of the planet Mars as a planet by looking in the direction opposite to orbit Mars. But it's already astronomical phenomena Mars dirakam by astronomy experts that states bahawa one-on-one time is a phenomenon applicable to the orbit of Mars, so he appears to orbit in the opposite direction.
Most likely there was indeed a planet or a planet with a large body orbiting around the Sun or the Suria system and another system of another planet berkongsi a center of rotation. If this applies, and related objects passing close enough to the Earth, it may force major changes on Earth's rotation so that menterbalikkan satah poles. Planet that may have experienced this occurrence is the planet Uranus, because satah rotation almost exactly with the angular rotation satah Suria System. Satah fitting rotation of Uranus is almost searas with round satah Suria System, kinds of other planets in the system Suria. Possible reasons, is passing a large object nearly berjisim with Uranus. If this applies to the Earth, which states nearly to the equator will be on pole, and north and south poles will be located on the equator, causing major flooding.
Red planet may apply due to the actions in the planet's geothermal exceeded due to the influence of body graviti pull large objects and then be near the planet, especially if the planet Jupiter was a pretty big range. Switch sun may be a "red giant" (red giant) faster than the duly caused disruption to the tindakbalas nuclear pass it due to the influence of body graviti big attraction.
But if everywhere the case is valid, life on Earth would disappear first. No human being will survive to witness this event.
Ust.Harun Din .. korang you know? MLP lecture him, ade read a narrative artkel bahawa world doomsday kid ... ni dah planet Mars (the planet 4th n PLG close with the earth) has been reversed proximo pusingun who freelance Sept. maknenye ... dgnnye jugak planet cousin (the earth He) will exchange movement direction, he does not. then at the moment there akn tu beginning of the creation mthari tggelam east side. (Tnda2 kiamt loud) ... remember, the sun rises west sbelah, repentance da door closed. x de hope daa laa! ni intimation tlh not dhentikan pnyebrannya by NASA krna akn mnguntungkan Islamic parties. please pass it along kiter kmaslhtn tuk ye ... yours respectfully (dispersive He bnde nih ade wehh smentara Mase)
smua for knowledge, a planet called Nibiru or planet x (by NASA) is being accepted completes its orbit round every 3600 years. planet earth 100 times and the great double as large as the planet Jupiter (Jove). 21/12/2012 dijangkakan on this planet will give the most powerful impression on the earth with swivel kutub2 to the inverted position (polar shifting) that dijangkakan o NASA. in may 2009 later this planet will be clearly visible by all pnduduk sama2 earth .. so we are waiting ...
they relate this incident as he had accepted the great flood of Noah to U.S. first time .. this planet earth but not menghentam gravitinya a very strong attraction to disrupt bumi.ia will only last between earth and the sun where the reddish color brightness as if the child sun. (big sign of doomsday? red object in the sky visible)
U.S. and other western negara2 is busy making preparations to face this situation with multiple placements while in foster banjaran2 complete with mountains of food that can survive 3 years kerana budgeted 2 / 3 population of the Earth would disappear. in norway for example they build a warehouse storing all grain seeds in a hill ciri2 complete with safety and the threat of disaster (refer the paper of February, kosmo, BH n lain2)
for full references please search the web about Nibiru kat mana2 true kata2 ari Rasoolullah one day the earth will be destroyed and one was called back to ancient times apply where all the technology disappear and people will come back as ancient times, fought with the sword of the ancient ways. so we are willing ALLAHHUAKBAR Muslims ...
SAWAB bi Allaah knows best ....
In one program halaqah kat TV9 never discussed the issue of Judgement - not mistaken sy what tanda2 doomsday headlines with her contemporaries or ... not .. tp nie year please refer to web pages TV9 siri ni Tgk with more depth ...
according to Dr. Daniel, an expert panel seorg .. she says in a sound hadith says ahawa where there is a lake when the lake was dry or yakjuj Magog Dajjal will come out .. I do not how igtlaa ... This lake is located after the study made it 's located at Israel and became their source of water bg, but the sea is said to be dry at the end of this year. Israel is among the main following attack beramati2an bg find a new site in the new water source samoing bg population ...
Dr Daniel was also there .. remember mmberitahu bahawa humans, the earth was bergegar give warning to us, fell down, return to Allah SWT ... actually kiter benar2 at the end of time.
kiter ni incident reminiscent of the disaster at Bukit Antarabangsa accepted this baru2 ground water near us ... we could still fail after various natural disasters have been lowered to give a warning, but we still do not mengendahnkannya ..
okay now i just want to ask you all
as a religion of humanity if you believe in the Day of Judgement?
you must believe that someday you will die
and the apocalypse will come soon
above there is a picture that is the image of the planet Nibiru is predicted in the year 2012 will hit the earth in accordance with that listed in the calendar in which the virtual nation tzoklin calendar, this is an accurate calendar, but who knows? Above there is a picture of a picture of the planet Nibiru is predicted in the year 2012 will violate the earth as stated in the calendar in which the virtual nation tzoklin calendar, this is an accurate calendar, but who knows?
Many scientists have previously predicted the existence of planets and the resultant disaster of this planet. Period dg planet earth passed once during the year 3600 (exactly 3661 years). And during each period was recorded due to the planet's gravitational bencana2 PD mainly occurs on earth even destroy large peradaban2.
Recorded in 1650 BC occurred concurrently keruntuhan2 big peradaban2 accompanied the emergence of a new civilization dg tiba2 too!
The fall of the ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom,
Mesopotamian dark age occurs,
Hittie tiba2 emergence job in Anatolia,
Harrapan collapse in India,
the collapse of Minoan civilization,
tiba2 emergence of Olmec civilization,
collapse of the Xia dynasty in China
.. all occurred in 1650 BC.
Period is still ongoing, retreat to the previously listed:
Around 3150 BC - Flood (after this disaster peradaban2 ancient history begins)
Around 5310 BC - tiba2 cooling effect of climate on the Holocene period
Around 8900 BC - Global warming and polar melting fast-and tiba2 during the interglacial period
Approximately 12,600 BC - polar shift or polar shift .. mengerkan effects seen from fossil mamoth tiba2 with frozen foods who still have not been processed stomach who also preserved
All around the year 3661 at all ...!
It is estimated that the arrival of another planet in the year 2012
The arrival of this planet exact year in which the world's most accurate calendar Tzolkin Mayan calendar also ends the year 2012, exactly 21 december 2012.
Mayan calendar known to use a matter of months apart and they also use the calculation of solar planet Venus in pengkalenderan days. Accuracy of these calculations resulted in the Mayan calendar in the past than the present accuracy of the calendar (AD and H). Believed by many experts to have knowledge of Mayan astronomy is at least equal or even more than the current human. Unlike the current calendar Tzolkin calendar memilliki beginning and end
This article was taken from a small portion Shugro Signs of the Apocalypse, what is meant by the signs of doomsday shugro (small) are small signs, not the end of the world. These signs precede the Day of Judgement happens in a fairly long period and a variety of ordinary events occur. Like, the lifting of science, the emergence of stupidity, rampant alcoholism, adultery, usury and the like.
And importantly, that this discussion is preaching to the faith in Allah and the Last Day, and justify what is conveyed by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, besides it is also a call to get ready for lunch after I die because of Resurrection It has been close and have a lot of visible signs.

Surrounding the issue broke down on the last date of December 12, 2012 Just more profusely. So much so that one private television stations also include the issue in a special rubric.
The issue arose after the discovery of doomsday predictions of the maya tribe who had lived in southern Mexico or Guatemala about doomsday would occur on December 21, 2012.
In the Mayan calendar began in 3113 BC to 2012 AD Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 and this date is the "End of Time" or the end of time / era.
In the manuscript heritage of the tribe known mastering astronomy and calendar systems are, on the date mentioned above would appear that large galaxies waves causing cessation of all activities in the face of this Earth.
Outside the Mayan prophecy that has not known the basis of calculation, according to Deputy Director of Aerospace Science and Information Studies, National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan), Bambang S Tedjasukmana, a phenomenon that can be predicted its emergence in the years around 2011-2012 was the storm the sun. This prediction is based on the monitoring of space weather monitoring centers in several countries since the 1960s and in Indonesia by Lapan since 1975.
Explained, Sri kaloka, Head of Space Science Utilization Lapan, a storm occurred when the Sun appears flares and Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). Flare is a large explosion in the atmosphere of the Sun is charging the equivalent of 66 million Hiroshima atomic bomb explosions. The CME is a huge explosion which caused burst of particle-speed 400 kilometers per second.
Solar weather disturbances can affect the condition of cargo space to the Earth's magnetic influence, subsequent impact on the electrical system, which relies on transport satellite navigation global positioning system (GPS) and communication systems that use satellite communications and high frequency waves (HF), and can endanger lives or human health. Because the Earth's magnetic interference, pacemaker users can experience significant interference.
I do not want to discuss this issue seriously and scientifically. Since reading the above article it was horrible, let alone have to explain this problem further.
Even better if the post this time, I asked for opinions and views and how the feelings of the hearts of readers all issues related to end on December 21, 2012 ALTHOUGH NOT OWN ME BELIEVE THAT WE CAN KNOW His coming Resurrection BY PASTI.


From Abu Hurayrah, he said the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"It means: There will come the Apocalypse, so many earthquakes" [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Fitan 13: 81-82]
And narrated from Salamah bin Al-Sukuni Nufail, he said: We were sitting with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then he would mention a hadith which, among other contents:
"Meaning: Before the Day of Judgement there will be a horrible deaths, and subsequent years will be an earthquake" [Musnad Imam Ahmad, 4: 104 with marginal notes Muntakhab Al-Kanz. Al-Haitsami said, "Narrated by Ahmad, Thabrani, Al-Bazaar, and Abu Ya'ala-transmitters and transmitters are transmitters, transmitters trust" Majmu'uz Zawa'id 7: 306]
Ibn Hajar said, "It has been many earthquakes in the northern states, east and west, but is meant by this hadeeth is that earthquakes are evenly and continuously" [Fath Bari 13: 87]. It is noted with a history of Hawalah quoted Abdullah bin 'anhu, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam never put his hand on my head, then he said.
"Meaning: O son Hawalah, if you see the disputes have occurred in the holy land, it was near the earthquake-earthquake, disaster backup, and large matters, and the Day of Resurrection at that time much closer to humans than the second hand this on your head "[Musnad Ahmad, 5: 188 with marginal notes Muntakhab Kanzul 'Ummal,' Aunul Ma'bud Sharh Sunan Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad, Chapter Fi-Ar-Rajuli Taghzuu yaltamisu al-wa wa al-Ghanimah Ajra 7: 209-210, Mustadrak Al-Hakim 4: 425, and he said, "This is a saheeh hadeeth isnad, it's just not meriwayatkannya Bukhari and Muslim." Al-Hakim's quote was approved by Adz-Dzahabi. And Al-Albani in Saheeh menshahihkan this hadith al-Jami'ush Shagir 6: 263, hadith number 7715]
It was reported that marfu 'from Anas bin Malik quoted' anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said.
"Meaning: One of the signs of the Apocalypse has been nearby day is ... a lot happens in a sudden death." [Al-Haitsami said, "narrated by Ath-Thabrani in Ash-Shagir and Al-Ausath from his teacher Haitsam bin Al-Khalid Al-Mashishi, while he was dhaif". Majma'uz-Zawaid 7: 325, Al-Albani says, "Hasan" And he mentions the people who meriwayatkannya, namely Ath-Thabrani in Al-Ausath and ADH-Dhiya 'al-Maqaddasi. See: Saheeh Al-Jami 'Ash-Shaghir 5: 214, hadith number 5775]
This is an event that can already be witnessed at the present time where a lot of sudden death occurred in humans. Then you can watch someone who was healthy and in good shape, he suddenly died of a sudden, now termed heart failure or heart attack. Therefore, for people who are sensible, let him awake and back and repent to Allaah before the arrival of sudden death.
Imam Bukhaari, may Allaah have said:
"Cultivate virtue ruku'mu at leisure
Therefore, may your death will come
How many people are healthy and in good shape
Then died suddenly "
Ibn Hajar said: "How wonderful, that sudden death was also hit his-own-Imam Bukhari '[Hadyus-Sari Bari Fath Prolegomena, 481 pages, by al-Hafiz Ahmad Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, with ikhraj and tashhih by Muhibbuddin Al-Khatib, printed by Qusai al-Khathib Muhibuddin, published and distributed by Riasah Idaaratil Buhutsil Ilmiyyah wal Ifta '. Riyadh]
[Copied from the book Asyratus Sa'ah. Chapter Small Signs of the Apocalypse by Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Yusuf Al-Wabil MA, Indonesian edition of Signs of Doomsday pp. 132 -133, 154-155 Mantiq Reader publication, Drs translator As'ad Yasin and Drs Zaini Munir Fadholi]

Judgement on the 2012 re-issue of horrendous world, including Indonesia, thanks to the movie "2012" which starts playing this weekend. The film "2012" starts playing this weekend in the entire world, including Jakarta, with the story of destruction of the world in 2012 due to the arrival of the giant planet Nibiru who crashed into the earth.
Due to this panic, the space agency considered the best in the world, NASA, received thousands of letters that questioned the truth of the planet Nibiru. So many questions until NASA makes a special site that has denied there will be a big disaster in 2012.
In his official website, Nasa said the issue was started because in 2012 doomsday Nibiru - the planet found Sumerians called - are moving towards the Earth. When the earth is near, kehadirannnya make a big disaster.
This disaster, by the fortune-teller, originally called will occur in May 2003. "But when the apocalypse does not happen then, the date is shifted to December 2012," says NASA.
Nibiru myth is then combined with the story that the Mayan calendar will end in late 2012. According to NASA, the Mayan calendar is very long and ended in 2012. But the calendar was no different with the AD calendar ends December 31 and begin again on January 1st. So, later Mayan calendar ends in 2012 it will start again on the other.
In that doomsday theory, also known that the position of the earth, sun, and the center of the Milky Way would be in a straight line. According to NASA, "Every December, the Earth and sun in a straight line with the center of the Milky Way galaxy, but an annual event that there is no impact whatsoever."
NASA also added about the theory of planet named Nibiru, Planet X, or Eris that will approach the earth and create a disaster. In his official site, NASA says, "and stories about the planet Nibiru is approaching Internet hoax." Nasa said there was no basis in fact that makes the story believable.
"If Nibiru or Planet X is real and moving toward the Earth in 2012, astronomers will be able to track at least since 10 years ago and now it can be seen with the naked eye," he said.
Solar storms, not Doomsday
In Indonesia, the issue of 'Resurrection' is foreseen in 2012 has been investigated since 1975 by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan). According to Deputy Director of Aerospace Science and Information Studies Lapan, Bambang S Tedjasukmana, a phenomenon that will emerge in the years around 2011-2012 in fact is not the end, but a solar storm.
... A phenomenon that will emerge in the years around 2011-2012 in fact is not the end, but a solar storm.
The predictions based on the monitoring center's space weather monitoring in developed countries that have been made since the 1960s. And in Indonesia have been conducted since 1975 Lapan.
According to him, the storm The sun's going to happen when the flares and Corona Mass Ejection (CME). Flare is a large explosion in the atmosphere of the Sun. Equal the magnitude of the explosion 66 million times the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast that has claimed around 80,000 human souls. Medium CME, is a kind of very big explosion which caused burst of high-speed particles of about 400 km / sec.
Solar weather disturbances that can affect the charge turns out to affect the Earth's magnetic space. Furthermore, the impact on the electrical system, which relies on transport satellite navigation global positioning system (GPS), and communications systems that use satellite communications and high frequency (HF).
Also, it can also endanger human health or life, As the Earth's magnetic disturbance which resulted in disruption of the pacemaker.
To anticipate the emergence of a space storm that has built LAPAN Center of Integrated Space Weather Monitoring System at the center of Bandung LPAN Utilization of Space Science. Objects that are monitored include Ionosphere and geomagnetic layer, as well as radio waves.
LAPAN anticipation that also has to do is contact the parties who may be affected by the storms appear this space. Namely the Department of Defense, Army, Department of Transportation, PLN, Depkominfo and Local Government. Thus, the forecast rates raised in the film Maya 2012 should not need to be taken seriously let alone trusted.
Judgement must believe it is. Even mengimaninya part of a pillar of faith, are not valid except with a Muslim faith. But when it happens is part of mafatihul unseen (the keys of the unseen) which belongs only to God. No one knows except Him alone.
Resurrection is true, but forecast doomsday if we do not know ....

Any sign that has been present myself ..... look!

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